Last April 5, General Resolution No. 13/2019 of the Undersecretariat of State for Taxation (SET) brought together in a single regulatory body the situations that lead to non-compliance with formal obligations and their consequent pecuniary sanctions, in relation to the contravention established in Article 176 of Law No. 125/1991.
The corresponding annex establishes the amount of the fine applicable to each contravention. It groups them in the following sections:
- Non-compliance with formal obligations related to the Single Taxpayer Registry (RUC);
- Non-compliance with formal obligations related to the issuance and issuance of sales receipts and other stamped documents;
- Non-compliance with formal obligations related to the duties of printing companies;
- Non-compliance with formal obligations related to the filing of affidavits and informative tax returns;
- Failure to comply with formal reporting obligations; and
- Failure to comply with formal obligations related to other duties.
The resolution also provides that until June 30 of this year, the late submission of financial statements will be subject to a fine of ? 50,000. After this date, the fine provided for in the annex to this resolution (? 400,000) will be applied.
For more information regarding formal tax obligations and penalties, please contact Andrés Vera. and Rodolfo G. Vouga