Vouga Advogados' strict adherence to the principle of continuous improvement enables our professionals to keep up with cutting-edge technology and the legal developments that accompany it. We advise our clients on a wide range of IT-related matters, including:
- Software licensing agreements.
- Source code escrow agreements.
- Software and hardware development agreements.
- Content provision agreements.
- IT services and hardware maintenance agreements.
- Electronic Data Interchange Agreements.
- Internet and web hosting services.
- Privacy policies as well as terms and conditions of web pages.
- Drafting of internal policies on the use of internet and e-mail.
- Import and export of software and hardware.
- e-Commerce.
- Specific agreements related to the Internet.
- Digital and electronic signature.
- Registration of internet domains.
- Cybersquatting.
- Management of IP rights in IT projects.
\ Leaders
\ LG Electronics Inc.
Represented a renowned international electronics company in a lawsuit filed by its former distributor in Paraguay for alleged wrongful termination of contract under Law 194/93 on Distribution, Agency and Representation.
\ Equifax
We successfully represented the main Paraguayan credit bureau company, against a fraudulent action through which the defendant sought to obtain illicit compensation.
MasterCard / McCann Erickson in lawsuits related to intellectual property
We represented one of the most important credit card processing network companies in the world and a network of leading advertising agencies worldwide, in two lawsuits for alleged infringement of Intellectual Property rights.