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The Technical Office of Planning (Secretaría Técnica de Planificación – STP) approved through Resolution No. 277 dated December 23, 2022, the Guide for the presentation of Private Initiatives filed under Public-Private Participation regimes (the “Guide”).

The Guide is addressed to private sector participants as a reference for the presentation of private initiatives to be developed under PPP regimes, adjusted to meet requirements of the National Public Investment System (Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública) (SNIP). The Guide, in accordance with Laws No. 5,102/2013 (“PPP Law”), No. 6,490/2020 (“Public Investment Law”), Regulatory Decrees No. 4,183/2020 of the PPP Law (the “Decree”) and No. 4,436/2020 of the Public Investment Law, was prepared with the purpose of providing a tool describing the process and requirements foreseen in the SNIP for all public investment projects, regardless of their modality and financing. Through the Guide, the STP makes available to all interested parties the procedure to file and propose private initiative PPP projects into the SNIP project bank, which was not previously established in the Decree.

The Guide includes the following information: (1) the documentation to be submitted on a mandatory basis, including any formalities involved; (2) project content requirements in the prefeasibility and feasibility stage; (3) processes subsequent to the reception by the STP; (4) prefeasibility level evaluation process; and (5) feasibility level evaluation process, including the process of issuance of the STP’s opinion of admission. In addition to the information set out above, the Guide includes a flow chart of the PPP project submission process, which is summarized below for practical purposes:

New Public-Private Partnership Law in Paraguay
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New Law Governing Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects in Paraguay

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