Deadline for holding assemblies by telematic means is extended

Por medio del Decreto N° 4946/2021 de 4 de marzo de 2021 se prorroga hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2021, el plazo para la celebración de asambleas y reuniones a distancia de los órganos colegiados de las sociedades anónimas utilizando medios telemáticos. Este Decreto prorroga el plazo original, establecido en el Art. 5 del Decreto 3605/2020, el cual venció el pasado 31 de diciembre de 2020. 

Para mayor información con relación a esta noticia u otros temas societarios, por favor póngase en contacto con Perla Alderete (, Walter D. Vera ( o Ana B. Vera (

Vouga Abogados advises J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Santander Investment Securities INC in the framework of the first sustainable bond issue by a Paraguayan issuer

Vouga Abogados acted as special legal advisor in Paraguay to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Santander Investment Securities INC, as initial purchasers, in Banco Continental SAECA’s offering of US$300 million 2,750% senior notes due in 2025. Banco Continental S.A.E.C.A.offering of US$300 million 2,750% senior notes due in 2025.
The issuance was conducted pursuant to Rule 144A and Regulation S of the Securities and Exchange Act of the United States. These are the first notes issued by a Paraguayan company that are qualified as “sustentables” .

The firm performed an extensive due diligence on the issuer's operations and reviewed the transaction documentation on matters related to local law.

For more information regarding this transaction or other issues related to Banking & Finance, please contact Carlos Vouga (, Cynthia Fatecha ( or Georg Birbaumer ( who participated in this transaction.