Some 250 people have been automatically migrated to the social security system since the doubling of inspections implemented by the Vice-Ministry of Labor since August of last year. In this way, the government seeks to formalize the situation of workers.
This work is being coordinated with the Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS) so that employees will have health insurance and also enter the retirement system.
Today, there are some 280,000 employees outside the social security system, not counting other labor law violations, such as non-payment of overtime, night hours and other items.
For these cases, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MTESS) has an individual conflict mediation department where workers can present their case. Here employers are summoned to reach an agreement and regularize the situation. If an agreement cannot be reached, then audits are carried out and a fine is applied if applicable. The MTESS already has about US$ 8 million in fines to companies in court cases.
For more information about the formalization of employment situations, please do not hesitate to contact Walter David Vera ( and Daniela Leguizamon (
Source: Paraguayan Information Agency