As part of a regional effort aimed at facilitating the granting of patents to those who have simultaneously filed applications in more than one of the countries that make up the Prosur-Prosul Industrial Property Cooperation System -Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay-, the National Directorate of Intellectual Property (DINAPI) issued last December 9 Resolution DINAPI/RG/N° 14/2016, approving the guide for filing an application to participate in the accelerated patent examination procedure (PPH) in Paraguay, as agreed between the industrial property offices that make up said cooperation system.
By means of this resolution, the MOTTAINAI principle will be applied as a basis, which allows considering the patentability examination evaluated by an Office of Prior Examination (OEA) by the Office of Subsequent Examination (OEP), thus ensuring that the Patent applicant has the benefit of an accelerated examination of the corresponding application, as long as the requirements established in the aforementioned Resolution are met.
The incorporation of this procedure, aimed at accelerating the examination of patent applications for inventions and utility models, is part of a three-year Pilot Plan.
In the attached file you will find the Resolution mentioned above.
For further information, please contact: Laura Lezcano (