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The call for prequalification for the "DIPE Bid No. 01/2023 Prequalification for the Public Investment Project for the Expansion and Improvement of Route PY01 in the Cuatro Mojones-Quiindy section" (ID 1288) (the «Project»is still open for interested bidders. It is important to note that the deadline for queries and clarifications is May 2nd, and the deadline for submission of pre-qualification applications is May 31st, 2023. The Project's terms and conditions are available using the following link.

Some key points of the Project are:

  • Contract term: 30 years (44 months of design and construction - 26 years and 4 months of operation and maintenance).
  • Contract value: USD 445 million.
  • Forms of payment:
    • Deferred Investment Payments (PDI):
      • 15 fixed and irrevocable, secured payments per milestone achieved.
    • Payment for Availability (PPD):
      • Fixed payments during the operation stage, subject to adjustments and deductions for non-availability and level of service and quality.
    • Payments Linked to Traffic (PVT):
      • Variable payments subject to traffic demand risk that complement the PPD and are articulated on the effectively accounted demand, based on the existing toll in the city of Itá.
  • Prequalification Criteria:
    • The Financial ratio criteria is put aside, and capitalization requirements are being considered instead. A capital of at least USD 50 million is required.
    • Experience in the financing of at least 3 infrastructure projects under PPP modality in the last 20 years.
      • Initial investment: at least USD 100 million (per project)
      • Amount financed: 60% in at least one of the projects.
      • Experience in at least one infrastructure project with toll operation.
      • Participation of at least 20% in the entity holding the contract at the time of financial closing.
      • National, international, or mixed consortiums: Creditable experience of members that individually meet the requirements or jointly by all members adding up experiences (that meet the requirements) when they hold at least 20% equity interest in the bidding consortium.
    • Technical capacity:
      • Experience in at least 5 projects that include construction and/or maintenance of road infrastructure:
        • In the last 10 years.
        • Minimum total amount: USD 300 million (cumulative among all projects).
        • National, international, or mixed consortium: Can be accredited individually by any of the members that satisfy the minimum requirements or jointly by all members directly or through their subsidiaries, branches or parent company.

Below is an estimated schedule of the bidding process for the Project:[1]

For more information on the Project or the competitive dialogue stage please visit the following links:

Paraguayan government approves expansion and improvement of Route PY01- section Cuatro Mojones - QUIINDY

Prequalification for Route PY01 Project under PPP

 or contact Rodolfo G. Vouga (, Manuel Acevedo (, Carlos Vouga (, Luis Marcio Torales (, Juan Manuel Ros ( or your usual Vouga contact.

[1] Source: Ministry of Public Works and Communications (Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones) – Office of Strategic Projects (Dirección de Proyectos Estratégicos)

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